When is Ekadashi in 2023?


In Hindu culture, Ekadashi is considered a sacred day dedicated to fasting, prayer, and spirituality. It falls on the eleventh day after the full moon and the eleventh day after the new moon. Ekadashi occurs twice a month according to the Hindu lunar calendar. In 2023, as per the Hindu calendar, there will be 24 Ekadashi dates.

Significance of Ekadashi

Ekadashi holds significant importance in Hindu traditions and is believed to be a day for self-purification and spiritual upliftment. Fasting on Ekadashi is said to help cleanse the body and mind, remove negative energies, and promote overall well-being. It is considered auspicious to refrain from consuming grains and lentils on this day and instead opt for fruit, milk, and non-grain items to aid the purification process.

Ekadashi Dates in 2023

  1. Saphala Ekadashi – Wednesday, 11th January 2023
  2. Pausha Putrada Ekadashi – Thursday, 26th January 2023
  3. Shattila Ekadashi – Friday, 10th February 2023
  4. Jaya Ekadashi – Saturday, 25th February 2023
  5. Vijaya Ekadashi – Sunday, 12th March 2023
  6. Amalaki Ekadashi – Monday, 27th March 2023
  7. Papmochani Ekadashi – Wednesday, 26th April 2023
  8. Kamada Ekadashi – Thursday, 11th May 2023
  9. Varuthini Ekadashi – Friday, 26th May 2023
  10. Mohini Ekadashi – Saturday, 10th June 2023
  11. Apara Ekadashi – Sunday, 25th June 2023
  12. Nirjala Ekadashi – Monday, 10th July 2023
  13. Yogini Ekadashi – Tuesday, 25th July 2023
  14. Devshayani Ekadashi – Thursday, 10th August 2023
  15. Kamika Ekadashi – Friday, 25th August 2023
  16. Pavitra Ekadashi – Sunday, 10th September 2023
  17. Aja Ekadashi – Monday, 25th September 2023
  18. Parivartini Ekadashi – Tuesday, 10th October 2023
  19. Indira Ekadashi – Wednesday, 25th October 2023
  20. Pashankusha Ekadashi – Thursday, 9th November 2023
  21. Rama Ekadashi – Friday, 24th November 2023
  22. Devutthana Ekadashi – Saturday, 9th December 2023
  23. Utpanna Ekadashi – Sunday, 24th December 2023
  24. Mokshada Ekadashi – Monday, 25th December 2023

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the significance of Ekadashi fasting?
    Fasting on Ekadashi is believed to cleanse the body and mind, remove negative energies, and promote spiritual growth and well-being.

  2. Can one consume water while fasting on Ekadashi?
    Yes, water is allowed during Ekadashi fasting. Some variations of Ekadashi fasting permit consuming milk, fruits, and specific non-grain items.

  3. What are the benefits of observing Ekadashi fasts?
    Observing Ekadashi fasts is said to detoxify the body, increase self-control, enhance spiritual practices, and bring overall well-being.

  4. Is Ekadashi only observed by Hindus?
    Ekadashi is primarily observed by Hindus, but individuals from other spiritual practices may also choose to fast on this day for its beneficial aspects.

  5. Can pregnant women or individuals with health issues observe Ekadashi fasting?
    It is advisable for pregnant women, individuals with health concerns, or those on specific medications to consult with a healthcare provider before observing Ekadashi fasting.

  6. Are there specific rituals to be followed on Ekadashi?
    While fasting is the main aspect of Ekadashi observance, individuals may also engage in prayer, meditation, reading sacred texts, and visiting temples to enhance the spiritual experience.

  7. How does Ekadashi help in spiritual growth?
    Ekadashi is believed to be a potent day for spiritual growth as fasting helps in purifying the body and mind, making one more receptive to positive energies and spiritual practices.

  8. Can children participate in Ekadashi fasting?
    It is advisable for children to gradually build up their fasting practice under parental guidance. Fasting for extended periods at a young age may not be suitable.

  9. What is the best way to break the fast after Ekadashi?
    It is recommended to break the Ekadashi fast with light and easily digestible foods like fruits, nuts, milk, or non-grain items to prevent any digestive discomfort.

  10. Do different Ekadashi days hold specific significance or benefits?
    Yes, each Ekadashi day is associated with unique benefits and significance, and devotees may choose to observe specific Ekadashi fasts based on their intentions and beliefs.


Ekadashi is not just a day for fasting but a holistic approach towards spiritual well-being. Observing Ekadashi can aid in physical detoxification, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. The specific dates of Ekadashi in 2023 provide ample opportunities for individuals to partake in this sacred practice and reap its benefits throughout the year.

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